Us vs. It
Robot Programming:- Action Points:
- Abilities:
- Laser Eye
- Fist
- Move/Rotate
- Triggers
- Laser Eye (Damage: Variable)
- If a tank is in front of the robot, no more than three spaces away.
- NOTE: Damage dealt varies with distance. The damage done per block away from the robot is:
- Fist (Damage: 2)
- If a tank is in an adjacent square, then use the fist.
- NOTE: Fist only damages tanks that are in tiles directly adjacent to the robot, i.e. damage is dealt in a 'plus' shaped pattern.
- Laser
- Turn toward last attacker
- If not facing last attacker, turn toward last attacker
- Fist
- Turn Left if space in front of and to the right of robot occupied
- Turn Right if space in front of and to the left of robot occupied
- Move Forward
- Fist
- Turn to face goal side
- Move
Hey dude. Thanks for this again. See ya on the flipside!