Friday, February 11, 2011

Us vs. It

Robot Programming:
  • Action Points: 
    • 3
  • Abilities:
    • Laser Eye
    • Fist
    • Move/Rotate
  • Triggers
    • Laser Eye (Damage: Variable)
      • If a tank is in front of the robot, no more than three spaces away.
      • NOTE: Damage dealt varies with distance. The damage done per block away from the robot is:
        • 0, 3, 2, 2, 1, 1, 0
    • Fist (Damage: 2)
      • If a tank is in an adjacent square, then use the fist.
      • NOTE: Fist only damages tanks that are in tiles directly adjacent to the robot, i.e. damage is dealt in a 'plus' shaped pattern.

  • Action Programming:
  1. Laser
  2. Turn toward last attacker
  3. If not facing last attacker, turn toward last attacker
  4. Fist
  5. Turn Left if space in front of and to the right of robot occupied
  6. Turn Right if space in front of and to the left of robot occupied
  7. Move Forward
  8. Fist
  9. Turn to face goal side
  10. Move

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