Friday, February 25, 2011

Atari Game Exploration - Milipede

Student Name: Cory Boyd

Today’s Date: February 25, 2011

Game Title Examined: Milipede

Year of Publication: 1982

Game Publisher: Atari

1 - What is the game genre (e.g. shoot-em-up, racing, sports, puzzle, MMORPG, ‘sandbox’, music sequence following game (e.g. DDR, guitar hero)

Top-down shooter.

2 -What is the type of game ‘world’ or environment (e.g. flat environment, puzzle/maze space, 3D world?)

Flat, supposedly outdoor environment.

3 - What is the perspective taken by player (e.g first person, third person perspective, top down, isometric) in relation to main player controlled character.

Top down.

4 - What is the actual gameplay – what does the player have to do?

The player shoots milipedes, and various other enemies, in order to progress through the never ending stream of levels.

5 - Is the gameplay intuitive? (i.e. is it easy to understand what to do without instructions?) describe.

Yes, the only button shoots, and you immediately try to use this ability to slightly delay your death.

6 - Is the gameplay patterned (game does the same thing over & over) or is it random (happens differently every time?)

The game is randomized by the players actions, but may be patterned without player interaction (although the game would go nowhere in that case).

7 - What does the type of graphic approach used as well as the audio tell you about the limits of the technology at the time the game was published?

You can immediately tell the game is dated from the Atari graphics and sounds. To cope with this, the gameplay is very simple, you simply make sure your semi-distinguishable shape does not touch any other one.

8 - Describe your views about the game from the point of view of:

  • Ease of play:
    • Easy for about 10 seconds, then everything approaches warp speed.
  • Enjoyability:
    • Due to the difficulty, getting progressively farther is rewarding.
  • Level of engagement/immersion: 
    • Very engaging if you strive to get farther.
9 - Had you played this game prior to this time? If so, when?
As far back as ~10 years ago, I have played clones and variations of this game, but not the actual game itself.

10 - What does playing the game remind you of in terms of other games/media?

The game captures a certain competitive spirit found in similar games, the spirit that drives you to play again, despite your utter defeat, just to see if you can get farther.

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